i went camping.
but not really. i only went up for the day.
but it was awesome. i love my grandparents.
they've been camping in the exact same spot since i was 2 years old. it's safe to say that i grew up in the mountains.
it's about a 2 and a half hour drive up there. but so worth every painful minute.
i got ANOTHER sunburn. i fell in love with campfire smoke all over again. i realized that not having a cell phone isn't a bad thing. i came to find out that carter is the best boyfriend ever (cause he drove up all the way to the campsite after work. just to come pick me up). i ate way too many giant marshmallows. i forgot that there's a stereo in my car. i walked my dogs around a parking lot. i got home way too late, and fell straight asleep.
and i'm gonna go up again next weekend. :)
(ps - i got another job. yay!)
ooo where is the new job at?