
some hearts (carrie underwood..)

i don't know what i did to deserve to have such an amazing life, but i'm sure glad i did it! everything about my life makes me smile, makes me laugh, makes me grateful to be alive. i love my family, my aunts, my uncles, my cousins, my cousins' children, my brothers, my parents, my grandparents.. did i leave anyone out? i love carter. i love the girls i work with. i love the opportunities i'm given. i love my hair and my eyes and my body. i love the gospel. i love jessica and viktoria and david. i love marshall and adrian and ethan. i love my new friends. i love my old friends. i love that i was able to graduate high school. i love that i can sing and play the piano. i love being in love.

don't get me wrong. i am in no way perfect. my life is full of ups and downs and flips and flops and turns and dives and jumps. but it's the highs that make the lows worthwhile. it's the smiles that wipe away my tears. it's the giggles that counteract  angry eyes and confronting words.

as we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to let us down, probably will. you'll have your heart broken - probably more than once - but remember how it felt, because you'll break others' hearts too. you'll fight with your best friend, or maybe even fall in love with them. you'll cry because time is flying by. so take too many pictures, laugh too much, forgive freely, and love like you've never been hurt. life comes with no guarantees, no time outs, no second chances. you just have to live life to the fullest, tell someone what they mean to you, and tell someone off; speak out, dance in the pouring rain, hold someone's hand, comfort a friend, fall asleep watching the sun come up, stay up late, be a flirt, and smile until your face hurts. don't be afraid to take chances or fall in love. and most of all : live in the moment, because every second you spend angry or upset is a second of happiness you can never get back.

i hope you can find something to be grateful about every day. i hope you can love everyone you come in contact with. i hope you can let go of grudges, and hold on to the precious moments every day that make life worth living. i hope that someday - today or tomorrow, or a hundred days from now - you can be as lucky as i am.

'some hearts just get lucky sometimes.'

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