I did an experiment today. Kind of like a lab experiment. But it wasn't in a lab. At all. It was outside.
Hypothesis: Summer is over.
Experiment: I wore shorts this morning.
Outcome: I froze. Literally, froze. Us, in the city of Edmonton, enjoyed a balmy 12C
(Does anyone know how to make the little degree symbol appear? I'm new to this whole "Windows 7/PC/IBM" thing.) today. It was seriously like 3C when I walked to my bus stop.
Conclusion: Hypothesis was correct. Summer has indeed come to a screeching, halting, screaming stop.
But you know what? I'm not even sad about it.
Autumn is bringing some great changes. Some improvements, if you will. I've said before that I feel like this year is a new chapter in my life. Autumn is basically my starting point.
So, here we go.
I hope everyone enjoys school, and wearing sweaters and jeans and drinking hot chocolate. I hope everyone goes to a lot of football games, and isn't afraid to go on long road trips with people you love to see people who matter.